Compiled using AmigaE v3.2e by Wouter van Oortmerssen. GUI created with EasyGUI v3.3b.3 by Jason R. Hulance. SerPrefs is an improvement on the old Serial prefs util. SerPrefs extends several settings/options of the original, to do this effectivly a new serial.prefs format have been created. Currently SerPrefs only support the use of a serial device name, and Sharedmode. Other extensions will be added later. The new serial.prefs can use prefs by old programs like the ORIGINAL "Sys:Prefs/Serial" found on the Workbench disks, and to convert from old to new simply load the old prefs into SerPrefs, then save it. And that's all you need to do! :-) Old serial.prefs software will still be able to read the new prefs, but unable to use the extra information stored. SerPrefs even show the version of your serial.device, and have the standard prefsmenu items most prefs utils have. Everything is in a single gui, that is very easy to use. And you can choose the serial device to use, along with unit number etc. All normal (plus some extra) baud rates are supported, along with a buffer range that is more than enough. It also have separate output/input settings, for future support and special software/hardware. FEATURES! o All normal baud rates (75-921600 Baud) o Input and Output Buffer (range 0-64 MB) o Input and Output Xon/Xoff, RTS/CTS o Sharedmode, selectable xxx.device and unit o Parity Even/Odd/Mark/Space, 5-32 data bits, 0-2 stop bits o Makes use of custom prefs/serialprefs icons if found. INSTALLATION! Just copy it to the SYS:Prefs/ drawer, you can replace your original "Serial" with SerPrefs. To do this just copy SerPrefs over the original Serial, SerPrefs support all tooltypes etc, that Serial do. PLEASE NOTE! The new settings will not work unless programs, are aware of the new serial.prefs As of 24th June 1997 SerPrefs is the first program to support the new SERN chunk (the way the serial name is stored), and the SharedMode option. Hopefully more will follow later. Also note that some older software may have trouble with new baudrates, this is caused by Intuition (internal prefs system is very old) or by the programs etc. The only way to fix this is to get a updated version of those programs, and for those programs to not use Intution's internal prefs, but rather read the serial.prefs file directly (intuition is able to notify programs about prefs file changes :-) ICON support! SerPrefs will use "ENV:sys/" as a icon for the user prefs files to save, if you don't want SerPrefs to use your standard prefs icon, then make a icon called "ENV:sys/" SerPrefs will use this instead, don't forget to also copy that icon to "ENVARC:sys/" so it is available after a reboot. DISCLAIMER ETC! SerPrefs is freeware, and no warranty is given. You use this software at your own risk. This software is freely distributable, and may NOT be sold for profit unless the author (me) agree to do so. See license file for more... History! v1.0 - (25.3.1997) First release! v2.0 - (4.4.1997) Not public! Removed variables that wheren't really needed. Changed the GUI some! Internal code cleanup/hand optimising. Added a BUNCH of new settings. SerPrefs introduce the new serial.prefs format, the new format is backwards compatible. Let us hope that developers out there will use it. New serial.prefs developer files included with SerPrefs. v2.1 - (24.6.1997) SerPrefs can now be used as a Serial prefs replacement fully. Changed serial.prefs, previous one was a bit overkill. Used a better way to store serial name. Created static buffer range, redesigned gui just a bit. Restore works from somewhere else than ENV/ENVARC, thanks to "Andreas R. Kleinert " for unknowingly getting me to check it :-) New include files for developers. (Please read the note on the IFF SERN chunk) SerPrefs still don't save "Prefs" icons, next version perhaps (if I have the time). Currently the default Project icon is used for now. There is some minor internal improvements also. The executable is now called Serial :-) v2.2 - (5.7.1997) Reworked the sourcecode, now most of the code not directly releated to SerPrefs has been moved to seperate source files (modules). This means easier maintaining of SerPrefs for me :-) SerPrefs now support custom prefs icons, ENV:Sys/ is used as icon if found, but ENV:Sys/ will be used instead if found, if none of the above is found then ENV:Sys/ is used. If that fail then the ROM project icon is used. Besides this, only minor changes have been done. I also updated the developer docs a bit. v2.3 - (30.8.1997) Large and small changes, from a certain point of view! Improved the version check module (the same that DVC use :-) serial.prefs frozen, meaning that the format as it is is the default standard for future SerPrefs versions. An extension is planned for the future (see developer docs), suggestions on what to put in it are most welcome. Minor internal cleanup, looked thru all the code zzzzz. Found a bug in GUI update routine, shared and devicename was not updated when changing prefs (they where loaded and saved though :-) SerPrefs seems very good now, if ANY bugs are found LET ME KNOW and they will be fixed at once, if there are any to find at all :-) If all is okay, this version will be the base for SerPrefs v3.0 Other SERIAL developers are encouraged to contact me, for discussion of the new System Default serial.prefs format... Freely Distributable FreeWare © Msi Software 1997 All Rights Reserved! Email: "Msi Software " WWW: ""